Your Challenge
Your business critical documents such as contracts and regulations are complex. This complexity represents a real and significant risk to not only the business, but your personal reputation. The risk of misinterpretations, the loss of corporate knowledge, instances of non-conformance or late conformance, and inefficiencies have for too long been treated as being part and parcel of your business. The result is you and/or your staff are operating at a sub-optimal level and the value of these documents is not being adequately protected.

The Solution
Affinitext transforms your most valuable, business critical documents (contracts, standards, policies, etc) into our AI-enabled Intelligent Document Format (IDF), allowing readers of the documents to find, understand and manage the content of these documents in ways that are not possible using static, 25 year-old technologies such as Word and PDF. Affinitext makes it easy to get around your documents and/or project portfolios with laser-like precision, capture and share corporate knowledge and ensure auditable compliance.
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The industry standard has changed
Industry leaders are rapidly adopting Affinitext to mitigate risk and identify and act on opportunities as and when they present themselves. Affinitext is the new standard for finding, understanding and managing complex documents.
What our customers say
Affinitext is an invaluable tool!
Amazing - Affinitext brings intelligence to documentation!
Revolutionized approach to contract management
Real examples of value delivered by Affinitext
Saved in 8 weeks - UK Defence Project
Additional revenue earned by realisation of opportunity
Per year saved in legal costs
Increase in productivity
10 - 100x